KidKare’s simplicity democratizes access to the food program for participants nationwide, while curating an environment of exceptional program fidelity and fraud mitigation for state agencies.

Here’s a deeper dive into features that best support program efficacy:

eForms​ >

Collect and store enrollment and income verification paperwork without the paper.

Meals & Attendance​ >

Meal counts and attendance can be easily recorded on any device at point-of-service at each site.

Menu & Food List​ >

Control the foods your participants can select when recording menus.

Observer Mode​ >

Get instant participant records to pre-audit & save time on-site.

Receipts + Milk Audit​ >

Receipts can be entered any time before the end of the claim month.

Reporting >

KidKare simplifies recordkeeping and reporting.

Our Software At-A-Glance

To view the complete image, simply click on it.

Claim Details
Observer Mode - Observed Site
Observer Mode - Selection
Child List
Daily Menus
Menu Calendar
Milk Audit

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