When it comes to accurately recording your Food Program and maintaining compliance with the Child and Adult Care Food Program (CACFP), the key lies in paying attention to the details. Without the right approach to managing the paperwork, an innocent miscalculation or an expired form can affect your monthly reimbursement and result in corrective actions during a state audit or review.

It’s important to protect your childcare business from simple mistakes that can cost you money. This article outlines easy steps that centers can take right now to prevent errors and prepare for a successful state audit when the time comes. 

Get Organized

Being organized benefits all areas of your business, especially if you’re short on time and helping hands. Organizing your Food Program hinges mainly on your paperwork. There’s a lot of it, so you need a system that will keep it orderly, up-to-date, and easy to search and find what you need.

One way to organize your Food Program paperwork is to use color-coded folders or binders. This video from a CACFP expert at the Maryland State Department of Education suggests separating your paperwork into five categories:

  1. Participant Eligibility – Includes your master eligibility list, enrollment forms, meal benefit applications, and collateral documentation. Keeping forms current is key to eliminating mistakes.
  2. Attendance and Point of Service/Meal Count Records – These records must be kept together and match. If you transcribe handwritten records to an Excel spreadsheet, for example, always keep your original handwritten records in case a mistake is made.
  3. Menus and Receipts – During an audit, daily dated menus will be compared with your receipts to prove you followed meal pattern requirements. It’s also good practice to scan or take pictures of receipts because the ink on receipts fades.
  4. Recipes and Food Labels – Document any recipes with more than one ingredient. Also include Child Nutrition labels and product formulation statements for prepared foods you buy, including cereal and yogurt to show sugar amounts and foods showing whole grain as an ingredient.
  5. Training Documentation – Proof of annual required CACFP training.

Create Processes and Procedures

And always, always follow them. Processes and procedures are necessary for keeping enrollment and eligibility forms current and correct. Be sure to create a process that entails a monthly review of all of your enrollment and eligibility forms, checking for missing information, like parent signatures, expired forms that need to be renewed, and misclassifications of a child’s eligibility.

Processes are also critical for accurately documenting attendance and meal counts at the point of service – and just about everything else involved with administering your Food Program. Plus, you should have a process for double-checking all your documentation and calculations. A second set of eyes can help. And in the case of an audit, checklists like this and this can come in handy.

Without standardized processes and procedures, mistakes can start to appear in your paperwork. No one is perfect after all, and an audit of your Food Program will bring that reality to life if you don’t take the right preventative measures.

Common Mistakes Uncovered in Audits

There are many types of paperwork and administration mistakes that can affect the results of your Food Program audit. Here are a few common ones that can be avoided:

  • Expired eligibility form, but the child was served a meal
  • The whole grain requirement wasn’t met, disallowing meals
  • A child was not counted as present for a meal
  • Missing and incomplete information on enrollment forms
  • Meal patterns not being followed
  • Improper use of CACFP funds, for example to buy gift cards, stamps, games, toys, and coffee
  • Inaccurate meal counts and transcription errors

In an audit, these mistakes can result in a serious deficiency finding, where you have to pay back money that you received based on incorrect reporting during the year. Can you afford to make mistakes?

Software Automatically Eliminates Costly Mistakes

Using pen and paper to document your Food Program has inherent drawbacks.

  • It’s very time consuming. The actual management of all your food program paperwork takes away valuable resources from your business.
  • If you lose paperwork, it could be marked as a serious deficiency during an audit and cost you money.
  • Virtual audits are becoming more common, requiring you to spend time and energy to scan all the necessary documents.

Software eliminates all the hassle of managing your Food Program paperwork, and most importantly, can minimize and even eliminate many of the common mistakes that are associated with handwritten documentation.

KidKare is the leading software solution for easily and successfully managing your Food Program. Thousands of childcare homes and centers enjoy the benefits of moving their Food Program online with KidKare.

The advantages of a software solution are especially helpful during an audit. With KidKare, CACFP compliancy is built in.

  • You automatically receive warnings when foods don’t meet the latest meal requirements.
  • You’re automatically notified when a child’s forms have expired or are close to expiration.
  • All your claims go through over 100 edit checks on food and attendance.
  • You can take attendance on the same screen as you document point-of-service meal counts. All with a simple tap of your finger.
  • The latest meal pattern requirements are automatically included to keep you compliant. 
  • You’re able to review and correct disallowed meals before you submit a claim.
  • You can easily track and document food service expenses.

KidKare also keeps all your records securely online for easy access anytime, anywhere. When you’re audited, everything you need is altogether in one place. The other advantage of online recordkeeping is that it’s protected from accidents and damage, unlike actual paperwork in a filing cabinet.

In addition, centers that use KidKare have access to detailed reports to better run their childcare business. All kinds of reports are available, including meals and attendance reports, meal planning reports, accounting reports, and tax reports.

To learn more about how KidKare can protect your childcare business during an audit and beyond, schedule a demo. It’s easy, just like KidKare!

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Milk Audit

Purchases and Write Offs

Milk Audit Reports



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Advance Claim Month

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What if my site doesn’t send me their claim?

What if my site needs to make changes after they send their claim?

What if I need to make changes but I’ve already marked my claim as submitted?


Milk Audit


Manage and Verify Receipts

Manage Vendors

Menus & Attendance

Menu Templates

Create Master Menus

Copy and Paste Menus

Assign Menus to Sites

Center Daily Menu

Center Menu Calendar

Center Daily Attendance

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Import Rosters via Spreadsheet

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Add a Digital Signature for eForms

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Adding Vendors

Quick Entry Receipt

Itemized Receipts


Review OER for Sponsors

Reports in CX

Reports Training

Record Attendance & Meal Counts

Daily Menu

Menu Production Records

Menu Templates

Grain Ounce Equivalents

Menu Calendar

Creating Infant Menus

Mark Infants as Fed

Record Attendance & Meal Counts

Meals & Attendance

Mark Infants as Fed

Detailed Meals & Attendance

Estimating Attendance

Enroll & Manage Children

Enroll a New Participant

Edit Child Information

Set Up Accounts

Site Details and Settings for Sponsored Centers

Creating Roles and Permissions

Creating Center Staff Logins

Staff Login


Infant Feeding Report

Milk Audit Report

Claim Manual Report


Claims Feature

Calculate Claims Button

Claims Errors

EOM Best Practices

State Upload File and Submitting to CNP

Mark Claim as Submitted


Substitute Milk and Child Milk Allergies

Milk Audit

Purchase & Write Offs


Adding Vendors

Quick Entry Receipt

Itemized Receipts

Plan & Record Menus​

Daily Menu

Menu Production Records

Menu Templates

Menu Calendar

Grain Ounce Equivalents

Creating Infant Menus

Record Attendance & Meal Counts

Basics Meal & Attendance

Detailed Meal & Attendance

Estimating Attendance

Enroll & Manage Children​

Enroll Participant

Edit Child Information


Vendors & Receipts


List Claims & Track Received Claims

Submitting or Retrieving Claims from Sites

Submit Claims to State

Claims Training

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Admin Reports (Non-menu)

SFSP Sponsor Menu Reports

Disbursement Journal & Status Report

Site Training Videos

Marking Meals & Attendance

How to Complete a Satellite Form

Submit Claims to Sponsor

How Sites view Menu Production Records


Track Received Claims

Mark Centers Claim for Processing

Review Claims before Submitting to State

Submit Claim to State

Advance Claim Month

State Claims List

Sponsor Monthly Tasks

Sponsor Attendance / Bulk Entry

Enter Receipts (Required)

Advance Claim Month

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Create Master Menus (Required)

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