This year, in honor of National Women’s History Month, we would like to take this opportunity to recognize some of the amazing women of the Child and Adult Care Food Program (CACFP) who have significantly impacted their communities and have inspired others along the way.

The CACFP is a federally funded program addressing food insecurity in the United States. It provides financial reimbursements for meals and snacks that meet nutritional requirements, allowing eligible programs to provide quality nutrition to qualified children and adults without putting a strain on their budgets. The Food Program is available for childcare centers, daycare home providers, adult care centers, head start programs, afterschool programs, and even emergency shelters. Learn more

Throughout the years, CACFP woman leaders have devoted themselves to ensuring that all children and adults receive the nutrition they need to grow and develop regardless of their economic or social circumstances. These women know that good nutrition is fundamental to physical and mental well-being and do everything in their power to ensure everyone in the United States has access to healthy and nutritious meals.

These CACFP women leaders also provide support and mentorship to those just starting in the Food Program, helping to ensure that the next generation of CACFP leaders is well-prepared and equipped to continue the legacy of success.

While many remarkable CACFP women have significantly impacted their communities and the nation, we want to highlight a few of them here.

Gail Birch:

Gail Birch is an inspirational figure who has achieved great success in the childcare industry. In 1985, she founded Providers Choice, the largest home sponsor in the nation that serves all 87 counties in Minnesota. Her commitment to making life better for those in need has earned her numerous awards and recognition throughout her career. Gail’s enthusiasm is infectious, and she truly embodies the spirit of dedication and hard work.

Providers Choice Photo

Gaylene Barstow, Thora Cahill, Lucille Patterson, Cheryl Flaatten, and Valerie Cable:

These are the founding members of the NCA. In 1986, they started a small association to provide support to CACFP sponsors of all sizes. Through their dedication and tireless work, they have helped to strengthen the CACFP and advocate on behalf of the CACFP community.

Paula James:

Paula James is the Executive Director of CocoKids and a founding sponsor of the CACFP Roundtable. Paula is committed to making sure that every child has access to healthy food, stimulating activities, and the resources to develop into their best selves. Her organization successfully has proven initiatives and a wide range of free and low-cost programs and services so parents can work and children are ready for success in school and life.

Vicki Lipscomb:

She is the Executive Director of Child Nutrition Program, Inc. Vicki has served on numerous committees and work groups to help eliminate unnecessary regulation, streamline paperwork, support training needs of childcare providers and sponsors.

Jodi Kuhn:

Jodi Kuhn is the director at KinderCare, the largest provider of early childhood education and care in the nation. Jodi has been a leader in the Early Childhood Education field for over 17 years.

Suzanne Bonamici:

She is the U.S. Representative from Oregon who has always supported child nutrition programs. She has been a strong advocate for increased funding and support of the Child and Adult Care Food Program.

“CACFP is one of the most powerful tools we have in our work to end hunger…” – Suzanne Bonamici.

Suzanne Bonamici Twitter Photo

Cindy Long:

Cindy Long is the USDA Food and Nutrition Service Administrator. She was responsible for all aspects of federal administration of the child nutrition programs, including the National School Lunch Program, School Breakfast Program, Child and Adult Care Food Program, Summer Food Service Program, and the Fresh Fruit and Vegetable Program.

NCA Photo

Geraldine Henchy:

She is the Director of the Food Research & Action Center (FRAC). Her work focuses on nutrition policies, such as increasing the healthfulness of nutrition standards. Her advocacy has greatly impacted national child nutrition policy.

Senta Hester:

Santa Hester is the Executive Director and Founder of Our Daily Bread CACFP, which she established 28 years ago. She is a leader in the CACFP and is working to ensure access to healthy, nutritious food by providing training and resources for educators.

The women of the CACFP are truly remarkable and have made a significant impact on their communities and the nation as a whole. Their tireless efforts to ensure that all individuals have access to healthy and nutritious meals are truly inspiring. From founders of associations to directors of organizations, we celebrate and recognize these incredible women and the legacy of success they have built for the CACFP.

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