Child Nutrition Enhancement Act On September 19, the Child Nutrition Enhancement Act was introduced in the House of Representatives. This groundbreaking act aims to: Provide an additional 10 cent reimbursement for each meal and snack served in the CACFP.Eliminate the tiering of family day care homes.Allow family day care home providers to claim their own
In today’s digital age, the Internet is an essential tool for businesses, including childcare providers. However, not all childcare centers and providers have easy access to the Internet. This lack of connectivity can hinder their ability to streamline operations, access valuable resources, and, in some cases, even join platforms like KidKare. We’ll address the challenges
As dedicated childcare providers enrolled in the Child and Adult Care Food Program (CACFP), your commitment to serving nutritious meals to the children in your care is commendable. Navigating the balance between quality and budget can sometimes be challenging, but with the right strategies, you can provide wholesome meals while maximizing your reimbursement. Here’s how
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